Ben Your question has been answered but it might be worth adding that the cheap ones are made in China for the Ford flathead. I don't know yet how good their quality is. The radiators in the Ford flatheads and Ford Pilot are much taller than Allard ones. Maybe that is one of  the reason why Allards tend to overheat. Also there are two heights of Allard rads. The tallest was used in the P1 and the shorter one in the K2, J2 , J2X.
Michael Knapman


Your question has been answered but it might be worth adding that the cheap ones are made in China for the Ford flathead. I don’t know yet how good their quality is.
The radiators in the Ford flatheads and Ford Pilot are much taller than Allard ones. Maybe that is one of  the reason why Allards tend to overheat.
Also there are two heights of Allard rads. The tallest was used in the P1 and the shorter one in the K2, J2 , J2X.