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  • #6726
    Tim Wilson

    Full marks, guys, for another super-informative session. Great to hear Ron and Ben talking about the P1 front suspension ‘tree’ depth, plus David M’s fuelling adventures and Peter’s steering idler query – with the usual expert advice instantly on offer fron David H. Also the possibilities of securing more archive material and hard copies of the w/shop manual. The priceless moment for me came when, after hearing Ben’s comments on how he’d earned £40 from Google for his vids over the past 20 yrs, quick as a flash, James came back with his question “And how would you say the money has affected your life, Ben?” Much appreciated! Tim. 

    Ben Stevens

    He certainly is a funny one, I often find myself chuckling quietly to myself when in his company hehe.

    It was indeed another fantastic call.

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